Saugeen First Nation | Phone: 519-797-2781 | Address: 6 Cameron Drive, Southampton, ON N0H 2L0

Saugeen First Nation | Phone: 519-797-2781 | Address: 6 Cameron Drive, Southampton, ON N0H 2L0

Mino Bimadsawin Health Centre – Building Healthy Communities

Mino Bimadsawin Health Centre – Building Healthy Communities

Building Healthy Communities

47 Mason Dr., Southampton, ON, N0H 2L0
Telephone: 519.797.2781 ext. 1006
Fax: 519.797.1328

The Building Healthy Communities program offers community management and provides tools to aid in the intervention with problems of depression and suicide by targeting communities in crisis. It addresses critical gaps in mental health services and programs while addressing crisis intervention, aftercare, and training for care givers and members of Saugeen to deal with crisis.

The program also provides support for intervention in crisis situations in order to reduce the number of suicide attempts and other violent crisis situations.

Building Healthy Communities also has a phone line for the Aasigaabwitaadwin Community Emergency Response Team which is responsible for providing emotional, spiritual, and practical aid services to all community members upon request during weekends.

Building Healthy Communities also provides culturally sensitive accredited training for community and care givers, cultural services, e.g. sweat lodges, fasting, healing ceremonies, etc., support groups, workshops on wellness, personal growth and development, one-on-one client support, referrals to treatment centers/healing lodges/appropriate counselling services, and land based activities, such as harvesting traditional medicines, traditional hunting/fishing, and a wide variety of other traditional practices.


  • All departments housed in the Mino Bimaadsawin Health Centre
  • Neyaashinigimiing – Cape Croker
  • Southwest Ontario Aboriginal Health Access Centre
  • Allenford Natural Health and Holistic Wellness
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