Community Health Nurse (CHN)
47 Mason Dr., Southampton, ON, N0H 2L0
Telephone: 519.797.2781 ext.1011
Fax: 519.797.1328
The CHN helps to provide health promotion, maintenance, and injury and illness prevention within the community, this includes all ages and stages. Programs and support can be offered through community engagements, awareness, and education whether it is through individual, or group formats.
General areas within the scope of the CHN are communicable and reportable diseases, immunizations, maternal child health, chronic disease and diabetes, injury prevention, and promoting healthy lifestyles.
These are provided through programming and activities including the following; immunization clinics, well adult clinics, workplace lunch and learn engagements, carious education sessions and series, annual health fairs, chronic disease support groups, screening programs and awareness, peer-peer support, needle exchange program, HIV/AIDS awareness, condom distribution, sexual health education, nutrition, smoking cessation support, mental health awareness, home visits, and hobbies and activities.