Saugeen First Nation | Phone: 519-797-2781 | Address: 6 Cameron Drive, Southampton, ON N0H 2L0

Saugeen First Nation | Phone: 519-797-2781 | Address: 6 Cameron Drive, Southampton, ON N0H 2L0

Works/Roads Department

Works/Roads Department

Works Department Manager
Works Department Operators
Works Department Receptionist 

796 French Bay Road, Southampton, ON, N0H 2L0
Telephone: 519.797.3934
Telephone #2: 519.797.1061
Fax: 519.797.3978

The Works Department is responsible for constructions, improvement, repair, and maintenance of all SFN roadways throughout the year, including snow removal. Works is also responsible for the Sanitation and Recycling Program.

There is eleven (11) full-time staff that are experienced as licensed operators, and track drivers with a supervisor. Also employed is a licensed Septic Design/Repair person, who also does private contracting.

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